Saturday, February 19, 2005


How do you know the Dems are one the right path in electing Howard Dean? The Reperves start saying how stupid it is. Two items in Saturday's Chronicle praise the move as good for the GOP. In a letter to the editor Tina Benkiser, chairman, Republican Party of Texas, hails Dean as a gift to her party, while Robert Novak derides Dean as a political has-been and last choice for party leadership. The GOP loved to say how scared they were of Kerry and what a formidable opponent he was for the president, but as chairman Dean is some kind of joke? Me thinks the ladies doth protest too much. Roll on for a Democratic Party lead by a man who "believes that the fiercer the rhetoric the better", he'll be a perfect thorn in Karl Roves ass!

And on a more personal note: Bubba's daughter ROCKS!


Friday, February 18, 2005

A Long and Winding Road

I warn you this is likely to be:
A. Long
B. Rambling
C. Ambitious
but I promise to
D. Try and make sense in the end!

Nothing like Brother Rove to get the blood boiling. In the Chronicle this morning we are enlightened by the news that Bush and his fellow conservatives are committed to "fostering morality and values, including protecting the culture of life for every human person." This from the people who gave us the torture memo and Abu Graib. How moral is that?

And talk about values, check out Krugman today. What kind of values does it show to take away from those most in need while enriching the already wealthy. In short, Krugman points out how Bush's new budget plans to tackle the deficit by deep cuts in food stamps, health insurance for poor children, child-care assistance, education, the CDC and law enforcement. The administration does however plan to reduce/eliminate restrictions on tax deduction for the wealthiest Americans. What do we value in this country?

And as to protecting the culture of life for every human person - what do you call someone who isn't allowed their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Gay in America, haha funny, right? Marriage is a sacrament offered by the church, and the federal government has no business restricting what goes on in the church. But civil partnerships, guaranteeing both parties' rights to file tax returns jointly, share healthcare benefits and survivor benefits should be available to all adult citizens of the United States and to deny them is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Sounds like issues made for headlines and soundbites, doesn't it? Then why isn't the Democratic Party making some noise. Why are these issues okay to lie about if you are a Republican, but too politically hot to handle for Dems? The link provided is to an article about lifting the income cap on Social Security, a plan worth considering. And how do the Democratic leaders in congress respond? "Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada said his party would be attacked for advocating tax increases if it were to embrace the idea. 'We're not going to fall for that,' he said." Why are the Dems loosing ground in every aspect of politics in America? Because they are too damn scared to stand for ANYTHING! How did the GOP gain power? By carefully crafting a political image which make them look strong, decisive, powerful and willing to fight for what they believe in. Image is becoming the reality and the real losers will be the American people if the Dems don't get their act together.

But just so it doesn't seem like I have no good news to report, I give you this article on Liberal Radio. There is a future for liberalism in America for those who truly believe, but it isn't found in the center or on the sidelines. It is in the truth and the Headlines, and the time to get started is now!


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

This Just In

From today's Houston Chronicle, an Assoc. Press article by George Gedda. The title reads Bush aide presses for democracy protection; Official criticizes Venezuela's leader in Senate hearings. It seems Robert Zoellick, Bush's designate for #2 at the State Department worries that we need to protect Central and South America from authoritarian governments taking away their democracy.

"Zoellick said a new breed of authoritarians follows similar patterns: 'You win election, but you do away with your opponents, you do away with the press, you do away with the rule of law, you pack the courts'."....oh wait, that was W's to do list from his first term.

What exactly is the difference between the neoconservative Republican party and those dangerous, authoritarian regimes they complain about - one party rule, puppet press corp, torture, mock courts - its all here. The only thing we may have in our favor is the constitution and the will of the American people, both of which are on the endangered list.

Must get back to my taxes, one of only two truisms left in the land of the free.


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Let's Get REALLY Honest

Bubba really hit the nail on the head in his assessment of the popularity of the Republican Message. They have done their homework, their market research, and framed a public image that speaks to millions. Bubba also has it right when he points out how thorough a job the GOP has done in covering the country with their representatives. They are in control, both deep and wide of all three branches of the federal government, state governments, local governments and even school boards (and let's not forget the number of boards of directors). And it is true, Rome was not built in a day. If the Dems want to undo some of the damage done by a decade of inattention to the game (protecting their king, while leaving control of the game to the other side), they are going to have to start with a plan and make every move count. It is here where I start to disagree with Bubba and his suggestions for turning things around.

Instead of pulling together as a party by forsaking those things which make the Dems truly different for the GOP, they need to really embrace who they are and what they stand for, then they need to bring that message to the American people. And not as a carefully worded sound bite for the six o'clock news, but in a landslide of information across all forms of media, using TalkRadio, Blogs, print and TV, local elections, state elections and two years from now the next national elections to get the word out - Them Dems are back! Every time someone from the GOP tries to get a word in, they need to have someone ready to interrupt, loudly. Think the Repukes have cornered the fear market? What if the new message was something really scary, images of what this country will look like and be like if the GOP is left unchallenged and unopposed.

Lets talk about what has happened to education, to civil liberties, to jobs. Lets talk about what is really happening in Iraq, whats happening with healthcare and what will happen to Social Security under Bush and His Party. Lets ask the American people if they really want to go back 25 years to huge budget deficits, gas lines and a cold war world. Do they want a world without those landmark court cases that assured the freedoms we all now take for granted, but could lose under the conservative Christians running this country. For those who bring up terrorism, let's point out our way of life is under a greater threat from within, and then tell them how to be safe both here and abroad - real truth, real freedom, real democracy for all.

Howard Dean may very well be the best man for this plan. I hope he has the cajones to do something radically different. As for me, I plan on getting Kinky for Governor, how's that for a message!
